
It's not where you're holding, but which direction you are heading that is most important!! (Based on a yechidus with The Rebbe)
Here are some of the hachlotos already made:
to wash negal va'aser next to the bed
to say brochos from a siddur immediately followed by shema
to learn perek lamed beis of tanya
to come on time to seder chassidus and learn for the first fifteen minutes
to come on time to seder nigleh and learn for the first fifteen minutes
to get 1000 teffilin


The Yeshivos

The Yeshivos that were already spoken to regarding this mivtza:
La zal Pittsburgh
La mesivta Detroit zal
Brazil Detroit mesivta
Coral Springs Montreal zal
Miami zal Toronto zal
Staten Island New Haven
Cincinnati Morristown
Minnesota Monsey
Chicago Postville
London South Africa Highschool
Argentina zal South Africa
Argentina Mesivta Manchester
Wilkes-Barre Brunoy
Baltimore Melbourne YG
LA Jets Melbourne YC
OT Mesivta Kaplan's Yeshiva
Chanoch Lena'ar Rabbi O's Yeshiva (Israel)
Tzefat TH CRC(Israel)
Mayanot Kfar Chabad


We started

We hit off the mivtza achdus in Pittsburgh. The hachlotos didn't work out exactly how we thought but B"H the bochurim are growing with it!! The Hachlotos started off with Negal Va'aser and brochos from a siddur.


The start

’’בהמשך הבנין ינוחמו’’–  The Lubavitcher Rebbe 1957